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Hair loss is a problem many persons, men and women alike are facing. The causes are multiple and from a certain point, the attempt to treat them by nutrition or application of certain products can become useless, without results. The good news is that technology is fast evolving and proposes efficient solutions by which this problem can be eliminated. Bucharest Hair Institute proposes hair implant procedures adjusted to your needs by which you can regain your self-confidence in just a few weeks from the procedure. Visit the website and learn more information.
There are many methods by which we can achieve the desired result, but the clinic only uses the most modern and efficient method there is, the FUE technique. It is considered the least invasive because it involves mainly manual interventions, without the implication of devices, regarding the extraction of grafts. As for the implantation of hair follicles, we use LION implantators with state-of-the-art technology. This approach will help obtain a more natural result, which determines the impossibility of detecting with naked eye if there was any intervention at the capillary mane level. Moreover, the patient is exempted from obvious and painful lesions in the area where the work material was taken from the donating area.
What are the advantages of this procedure?
Although at first sight the FUE method seems to be more financially costly than the other surgical variants already consecrated, over the time you will see that you saved time and money on other levels. In other words, if in the future you may need another surgery, you will not be forced to go through the whole process for detection of a compatible donating area. In addition, there will be no scars on this surface, because it will regenerate in a very short time. Also, you must not ignore that the result obtained from the application of FUE technique is truly natural, which gives back the appearance of your hair from the period when you were not faced with hair loss. In addition, the healing and recovery period is much shorter and easier to cross.
Enjoy a rich and healthy hair again
In our clinic you will be welcomed by the best professionals, with wide experience in the practice of these interventions, which will guarantee the best result. The whole experience you will benefit from will include everything you need to feel better and get aways from stress. As soon as you will see yourself in the mirror, you will realize that you made the best decision. The hair implant is the best and most efficient solution against alopecia, whether it is traction alopecia or based on internal causes. It can be made only on certain portions of the head where the disorder is more severe, or on the whole surface of the head, in order to result in a thick, even and healthy hair.
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