Tips for a successful hair implant


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It is already well known that the hair implant is the most effective solution for treating alopecia, regardless of its causes. For people who have confidence issues due to hair loss, a successful implant can be life-changing. But for the result to be as natural and pleasant as possible, not only the intervention is important, but also the recovery and maintenance of the area after the procedure. Here’s what specialists recommend you do after a hair implant:

Avoid aggressive scalp washing

It is important to protect the affected area as much as possible, and therefore it is recommended that, at least for a few days, regular shampooing should be stopped. Instead, you will be able to clean the area with certain special substances, which at the same time have a calming and disinfecting effect, ensuring a faster recovery. Immediately after the break days, do not switch to harsh shampoo options, but rather turn to gentle options, intended for babies.

Be careful about the tools or accessories you use

Any clothing intended for the head, such as caps, hats or scarves, are totally prohibited in the first weeks after the implant. Also, avoid using harsh tools that could damage the skin, such as combs or regular hair brushes.

Be careful of the environments you expose yourself to

Excessive heat will not only leave marks on the skin, but will also affect the performance of the intervention. Sauna or other steam treatments should be avoided as much as possible. You must also avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible for at least three months, in order not to risk the appearance of adverse effects.

It is recommended to avoid intense physical exertion, consumption of harmful substances such as alcohol or tobacco because they can have direct negative effects on blood coagulation. There is a risk that the body will reject the implant or not allow all the follicles to settle in properly.

The details are determined individually for each individual patient

These recommendations are made at a general level and are mainly aimed at ensuring a safe and rapid healing and eliminate any risk of relapse or the occurrence of adverse effects. At Bucharest Hair Institute, you will benefit from a personalized diagnosis, as well as a list of recommendations adapted to your body’s reactions. You will receive specialized care immediately after completing the intervention, specific treatments and procedures, depending on the way the skin and follicles used react.

Make an appointment right now at Bucharest Hair Institute and get rid of any complex related to your hair

If you too want your hair or hair loss to stop being a problem, call right now for an appointment that we will set up as soon as possible. At a first meeting we will determine the causes and solutions of the condition you are facing, then in the future we will take the measurements and establish the details for the procedure itself. We guarantee a survival rate of over 95% of the implanted strands, the result being natural, rich and healthy hair.

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